Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sex and Bubble Tea

Sex and bubble tea. That's really all I want. Is that too much to ask for, people?

The complications and confusion and game playing are just too much for me to handle anymore. I hate dating. I hate the ridiculous dynamics that I always somehow end up involved in. Are there any normal guys out there? No? Hmmm. I thought that was the case. Crap.

In that case, relationships can suck it. For that matter, all of those people out there who act like there's something wrong with me because I'm single can suck it too. And if there's any room left at the table, every guy who assumes I want to marry him can definitely suck it. I'm tired of unfulfilling relationships. I will settle for mind-blowing sex and delicious bubble tea. Preferably after the sex.

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